Detail Cantuman Kembali
DISERTASI: The Superintendence of Integrated Islamic Education Program at School System and its Implication towards Students’ at MAN Model Makassar
The discussed problems in this research are 1) how is the superintendence of integrated Islamic
education program at school system at MAN 2 Model Makassar?, 2) how is the students’ achievement at
MAN Model Makassar as the implication of integrated Islamic education program at school system?, and
3) how is the effort to develop the superintendence of integrated Islamic education program at MAN 2
Model Makassar?. This research functions to find out a general description about the superintendence of
integrated Islamic education program at MAN 2 Model Makassar, the students’ achievement at MAN 2
Model Makassar as the implication of integrated Islamic education program at school system, and the effort
to develop the superintendence of integrated Islamic education program at MAN 2 Model Makassar.
This research is a kind of survey research that is applied to sample and population. Population is
the components involving in education superintendence namely teachers, officers, and students. The
number of the taken sample is 75 persons that consist of 75 teachers and officers including the headmaster
and 75 students. The process of taking sample was conducted by the use of purposive random sampling
technique. The used instruments in data collection were questionnaire as the main instrument, while
interview and observation were used as completing instruments. The used analysis was qualitatively
descriptive analysis that is in form of presentation and diagram as well as qualitatively descriptive analysis.
The result of the research shows that the superintendence of integrated Islamic education program
material at school system at MAN 2 Model Makassar based on the superintendence of content standard,
process standard, teacher standard, education officer standard, passing standard, and value standard that are
in medium standard generally. It indicates that the superintendence of integrated Islamic education program
at school system at MAN 2 Model Makassar has been applied even though the results have not been
optimal. The students’ achievement in academic perspective at MAN 2 Model Makassar based on their
grades on average at semester ganjil in academic record book and interview with the teachers generally is
in medium category. Besides, the students’ achievement in non-academic perspective based on their
achievement in science and technology, in sport and art, and in religious is in medium standard generally.
The facts indicate that the students’ achievement, both in academic and non-academic perspective, at MAN
2 Model Makassar has not been optimal. The effort to develop the superintendence of integrated Islamic
education program material at school system at MAN 2 Model Makassar is conducted by developing the
headmaster managerial skill, increasing the teacher professional competence, establishing the student
quality, both in input or in education process, optimizing the use of education facilities, conducting selfassessment to the school managers to assess the scheduled program achievement then constructing
programs based on the school opportunity, threat, strength, and weakness.
The implication of the research are 1) the application of the superintendence of integrated Islamic
education program towards schools is relating closedly to the headmaster managerial capality in managing
the resources of the school, both human resources and any other resources that can provide support in
developing the quality of education, the teacher professionalism capability in managing learning programs
as well as educating the students’ attitude. Also, the students’ intake as the implication of integrated Islamic
education program. The three factors associate one another in contributing the success of integrated
Islamic education program at school. For that reason, the headmaster of MAN 2 Model Makassar as the
education manager must consider the three factors to establish his ability and participation to implement
integrated Islamic education program in order to make the implementation of integrated Islamic educationprogram at MAN 2 Model Makassar increases more, and 2) to the researches who would like research the
integrated Islamic education program at school from different perspective, this research can be an
alternative reference.
Muh. Sain Hanaf - Personal Name
2X7.3 MUH s