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The core issue of the study was how is the Implication of Religion in the 2017 DKI Jakarta Election (A Review of Siyasah Syar'iyah)?, which was elaborated into three sub-issues, namely: 1) Is electing a public leader based on religion a form of actualization of religious freedom? 2) What is the perception of DKI Jakarta people in choosing a public leader? How is the religion’s position in DKI Jakarta election of the Siyasah Syar'iyah perspective ?
The study was qualitative research with a normative descriptive approach and a socio-legal research with an empirical descriptive approach as well. Observation, interview, and documentation were utilized in collecting the data, which then processed and analyzed through the three stages of data reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusion.
The results of the study revealed that: 1) choosing a public leader based on religion was a form of actualization of religious freedom. The form of actualized worship in choosing a leader was the right of every citizen protected by the constitution. Actualization and teaching of how to choose a public leader based on religion or Islamic leadership dogma should not be intervened and restricted. 2) The perception of the DKI Jakarta people on electing a public leader based on religion was inseparable from the pros and cons. The existence of primordial (religion) sentiments certainly influenced the political contestation of the DKI Jakarta Election. Not to mention the differences of opinion between should and should not choose the non-Muslim leaders. However, apart from that, the hope of community welfare towards DKI Jakarta continued to be echoed. 3) The position of religion in the DKI Jakarta election of the Siyasah Syar'iyah perspective was closely related to the aspect of morality as an embodiment of Islamic values. The fundamental reason for choosing leaders was not only in the name of religion in general, but also of religious values that should be considered as well such as honesty, justice, benefit, equality, and prosperity.
The implications of the study are 1) choosing based on religion should no longer be seen as a form of intolerance as basically choosing (determining and disseminating the choices) is a part of the form of worship protected by the constitution. 2) This study is expected to open insight into the importance of understanding the essence of leadership in Islam, either from the point of view of understanding verses or Siyasah Syar'iyah. 3) Regarding how the Siyasah Syar'iyah Perspective in choosing the public leaders of the same religion, then the community has to understand that it is important to prioritize the aspect of morality in choosing the leaders who must be fair and trustworthy towards the people they lead.
Nurchaliq Majid - Personal Name
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