Detail Cantuman Kembali
Tesis: Implementasi pendidikan akhlak pada sd integral hidayatullah kota Baubau
The study discussed the implementation of Moral Education at Integral
Hidayatullah Elementary School of Baubau City. The objectives of this study were
(1) to describe the implementation process of Moral Education at Integral
Hidayatullah Elementary School of Baubau City, (2) to describe the factors affecting
the implementation of Moral Education at Integral Hidayatullah Elementary School
of Baubau City, (3) to reveal the strategies applied in implementing the Moral
Education at Integral Hidayatullah Elementary School of Baubau City.
The study was descriptive qualitative research with the phenomenological and
psychological approaches. It was conducted at Integral Hidayatullah Elementary
School of Baubau City. The data sources were the primary data consisting of the
principal, teachers, and the students’ guardians, while the secondary data were
documents related to the objects of the study. Observation, interview, and
documentation were utilized in collecting the data, which then analyzed qualitatively
using triangulation to ensure the data validity on the focus studied.
The results of the study revealed that the process of implementing Moral
Education was organizing the Tahfiz Qur'an education, ablution guidance, the
guidances of prayer and zikir, eating and drinking, manners at the school
environment, and going home. While the strategies performed in implementing Moral
Education at Integral Hidayatullah Elementary School of Baubau City were through
the habituation method, exemplary method, and disciplinary application.
As an implication, the Integral Hidayatullah Elementary School of Baubau
City should continue to seek a variety of programs for realizing generation of Islamic
morality, and establish a good relationship with the parents by meeting regularly, and
create a book for monitoring the students’ behavior at their homes, so that education
at school was connected with the education at the home environment.
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pascasarjana UIN Alauddin