Detail Cantuman Kembali
TESIS: Praktek mappaje' empang pada masyarakat kecamatan mandalle kabupaten pangkep perspektif etika bisnis islam
The study was based on the rationale of the lack of Islamic business ethics in
the practice of leasing, in this regard themappaje’ lease term used by the people of
MandalleDistrict of Pangkep Regency, whether it wasmu'jir (tenant) or musta'jir
(the person who leases). With the correct application of ethics, the muamalah
activities would run in accordance with the applicable rules and not deviate.
Therefore, there was no one feeling aggrieved. The purpose of the study was to
know the practice of mappaje'empang in MandalleDistrict of Pangkep Regency of
the Islamic Business Ethics Perspective whether it had been in accordance with the
Islamic business ethics concept or not.
The study was qualitative research using the normative theological (Syar'i),
sociological, and phenomenological approaches. The data sources were the people
ofMandalleDistrict of PangkepRegency who performed the practice of leasing or
mappaje' empang with the number of informants were20 landowners and land
tenants. Observation, interview, documentation and reference searching were
utilized in gathering the data which then processed and analyzed through three
stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusion.
The results of the study revealed that the practice of leasing by people of
Mandalle District ofPangkep Regency was carried out by using ijarah contract where
the implementation process was startedby looking forthe ones who intended to rent
the land, then bargaining, doing contract, and reaching the agreement. The practice
of leasing from the perspective of Islamic business ethics, in fact, had a strong
relevance. Ethics and attitudes applied by the actors of leasingincluded the concepts
of divinity, property ownership, right and good, honesty, responsibility, and justice.
The implications of the study were: 1) the Islamic business ethicsmust
become a basis in carrying out the practice of leasing of empang, not only
understanding the rules of leasing based on Alquran and Hadith but also applying in
practice; 2) in implementing the practice of leasing or mappaje'empang and applying
the Islamic business ethics, the advantages gained were not only the benefits of
earthly materials but alsohereafter non-materials (falah). This was in line with the
Islamic economic goals.
Halima syarif
HALIMA SYARIF - Personal Name
2X6.3 HAL p
Uin alauddin
29 cm, 136 hal