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TESIS:The Implementation of Clinical Supervision in Improving Teachers’ Ability in Implementing the Learning Process of Islamic Education in State Elementary School 119 Solo, Bola District of Wajo Regency
The main issue of this thesis is the clinical supervision in improving
teachers’ability in implementing the learning process of Islamic education in State
Elementary School 119 Solo, Bola District of Wajo Regency. The study is aimed at
1) explaining the process/mechanism of clinical supervision development in
improving teachers’ ability in implementing the learning process of Islamic education
in State Elementary School 119 Solo, Bola District of Wajo Regency; 2) explaining
the teachers’ ability in the implementation of the learning process of Islamic
education in State Elementary School 119 Solo, Bola District of Wajo Regency; 3)
determining the efforts made in improving the ability of teachers in the
implementation of the learning process of Islamic education in State Elementary
School 119 Solo, Bola District of Wajo Regency.
The study is a qualitative research with phenomenology and scientific
approaches. The data sources are the principal and the Islamic education teachers.
Technique of data collection is conducted by using interview, observation, and
documentation. Technique of analysis/qualitative data processing consists of three
stages including 1) data collection; 2) data reduction; 3) data presentation; and 4)
The study results reveal that: 1) clinical supervision is used to solve problems
both in teaching and learning administration of the Islamic education teachers as well
as to improve the performance of Islamic education teachers through planning,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation stages; 2) after undergoing clinical
supervision, the teachers will have an insight about learning methods and
instructional media. Teachers can take advantage of the media around them; and 3)
challenges to the implementation of supervision as an effort to improve the
performance of Islamic education teachers of State Elementary School 119 Solo, Bola
District of Wajo Regency include: (1) too many teachers to be supervised clinically,
(2) lack of time of clinical supervision, (3) there still many weaknesses of teachers in
teaching and learning process and academic administration, (4) teachers sometimes
were not prepared and felt disturbed because they were not used to be supervised
clinically, (5) assessment is only done formatively, (6) in some of the learning
process, teachers did not use media, (7) teachers have limited ability in developing
teaching materials and (8) some of their lesson plans were a copy-paste . Toxxi
overcome these obstacles, we need a planned solution, namely: (1) providing a
schedule which is appropriate to the condition of the principal and teachers due to the
gap of the number of teachers and principals who conduct the clinical supervision (2)
the solutions provided by the principal must address the problems faced by the
teachers, almost all teachers were weak on the preparation of teaching and learning
administration, (3) solutions given are classified and prioritized, because not all
problems can be solved in the same way (4) teachers inclusion to help overcome
obstacles in the implementation of clinical supervision, (5) solutions given take into
account the psychological, sociological, religious, and other aspects; (6) there is a
need for training, short courses, and continuing education, (7) the role of the principal
in giving regular, gradual, and sustainable guidance. Conducting a comparative study
and visitation to the more advanced schools.
Ahmad Mujahid - Personal Name
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